Dirty Shirt's Pandemic Special

de Mihai Tivadar
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24,204 lei
din 10,000 lei
Baia Mare, Cluj Napoca, Seini, Deva, Grenoble
Crowdfunding for Dirty Shirt's Pandemic Special: new songs & videos for a new Dirty Shirt album, new webshow and 25 years documentary!
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2 proiecte
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Anul acesta am fost din plin loviti de criza Covid 19, 2020 putand reprezenta un pas important in dezvoltarea trupei. Speram doar ca nebunia asta va trece cat mai repede si e doar o amanare pentru anul viitor.

Dupa cum multi dintre voi stiti, am incercat sa ramanem aproape de public si sa continuam pe cat posibil activitatea trupei. Chiar inainte de declansarea pandemiei am inregistrat Latcho Drom featuring Caliu si in timpul carantinei am lansat mai multe piese noi in webshowul #Stayathome with Dirty Shirt (Geamparalele, Resonate, Away - Symphonic Acoustic...).  In luna iulie am participat la festivalul online  European Metal Festival Alliance 2020, ca reprezentant al festivalului ArtMania. De asemenea am reusit sa organizam un concert exceptional, pentru a sarbatori 25 de ani la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti. In aceasta toamna am continuat sa lucram pe piese noi (inregistrari, compozitie), inclusiv un super featuring, alaturi de Benji de la Skindred/Dub WarCaliu de la Taraf de Haïdouks/Taraf de Caliu si Paul Ilea de la Sensor/Ipse.

In conditiile in care am interupt total concertele, in ciuda suportului vostru prin Patreon si comenzi online, activitatea continua din acest an precum si costurile curente (abonamente siteuri si softuri de productie audio si video) au consumat aproape toate fondurile trupei si in prezent ne aflam intr-o situatie financiara destul de delicata. Astfel, facem apel la ajutorul vostru pentru a putea continua realizarea proiectului Dirty Shirt’s Pandemic Special in conditii tehnice si logistice minime:

  • Lansarea unui album nou in toamna 2021, ce va contine piese noi, dar si cele lansate anul acesta
  • Realizarea a cel putin doua videoclipuri
  • Difuzarea unui nou webshow anul viitor
  • Productia audio si video a concertului aniversar de la Arenele Romane
  • Realizarea documentarului Dirty Shirt – 25 de ani

In functie de sprijinul vostru, veti primi diverse recompense (albume, merch, goodies) insa acestea nu inseamna o precomanda la preturi mai mici, ci dimpotriva. Suma propusa de 10.000 lei (2000+ euro) nu are cum sa acopere toate costurile, insa pentru noi ar fi un sprijin mai mult decat util in acest moment. Binenteles, ne-am dori sa putem strange si mai multe fonduri, ceea ce ne-ar permite sa amelioram calitatea rezultatelor acestui proiect si sa crestem bugetul disponibil pentru promovare.

Va multumim si speram sa ne revedem cat de curand la concerte.


RECOMPENSE (costuri de livrare incluse, album digital oferit la toate recompensele):

- Album Digital: 50 lei

- Album CD  + goodies: 100 lei

- Tricou + goodies: 125 lei

- Vinil + goodies: 175 lei

- Tricou + CD + goodies: 200 lei

- Tricou + Vinil + goodies: 250 lei

- Hanorac + goodies: 250 lei 

- Tricou + CD + Vinil + goodies: 300 lei

- Hanorac + CD + goodies: 325 lei 

- Hanorac + Vinyl + goodies: 400 lei 

- Hanorac + Vinyl + CD + goodies: 450 lei 

 * * *

This year we were completely hit by the Covid-19 crisis. 2020 could have been a huge step in the development of the band. We just hope that this madness will pass as soon as possible and that it's just a postponement for next year.

As many of you know, we tried to stay close to the public and continue the band's activity as much as possible. Just before the pandemic broke out, we recorded Latcho Drom featuring Caliu and during the quarantine we released several new songs in the web show #Stayathome with Dirty Shirt (Geamparalele, Resonate, Away - Symphonic Acoustic ...). In July, we participated at the online festival European Metal Festival Alliance 2020, as a representative of ArtMania festival. We also managed to organize an exceptional concert to celebrate 25 years at the Roman Arenas in Bucharest. This fall we continued to work on new songs (recordings, composition), including a super feature, with Benji from Skindred/Dub War, Caliu from Taraf de Haïdouks/Taraf de Caliu and Paul Ilea from Sensor/Ipse.

Given that we have completely interrupted the concerts, despite your support through Patreon and online orders, the continuous activity this year as well as the current costs (subscriptions to sites and software for audio and video production) have consumed almost all of the band's funds, and now we are in a rather delicate financial situation. Thus, we call on your help in order to continue the realization of the Dirty Shirt’s Pandemic Special project in minimum technical and logistical conditions:

  • Release of a new album in autumn 2021, which will contain new songs, but also those released this year
  • Produce at least two videos
  • Broadcasting a new webshow next year
  • Audio and video production of the anniversary concert at the Roman Arenas
  • Producing the Dirty Shirt - 25 years documentary

Depending on your support, you will receive various rewards (albums, merch, goodies) but these do not mean a pre-order at lower prices, but on the contrary. The proposed amount of 10,000 lei (2000+ euros) cannot cover all the costs, but for us it would be a more than useful support at this moment. Of course, we would like to be able to raise even more funds, which would allow us to improve the quality of the results of this project and increase the budget available for promotion.

Thank you and we hope to see you again at the concerts soon.


 REWARDS (shipment and digital album included for all rewards):

-  Digital Album: 50 lei / 10,26 euros

- CD Digipack + goodies: 100 lei / 20,52 euros

- T-shirt + goodies: 125 lei / 25,65 euros

- Vinyl + goodies: 175 lei / 35,92 euros

- T-shirt + CD + goodies: 200 lei / 41,05 euros

- Hoodie + goodies: 250 lei / 51,31 euros

- T-shirt + Vinyl + goodies: 250 lei / 51,31 euros

- T-shirt + CD + Vinyl + goodies: 300 lei / 61,57 euros

- Hoodie + CD + goodies: 325 lei / 66,70 euros

- Hoodie + Vinyl + goodies: 400 lei / 82,09 euros

- Hoodie + Vinyl + CD + goodies: 450 lei / 92,36 euro

Te rog sa te autentifici pentru a putea posta comentariu

Sav Marius
acum 4 ani
bafta baieti
125.00 lei
Sustinator anonim
acum 4 ani
50.00 lei
Bolohan Catalin
acum 4 ani
50.00 lei
Sustinator anonim
acum 4 ani
400.00 lei
Bondor Alexandru
acum 4 ani
335.00 lei
acum 4 ani
Thanks for what you're doing & keep on rocking.
250.00 lei
Danila Vladimir
acum 4 ani
Mi-e dor de un concert cu voi! Sanatate si multa bafta!!!
50.00 lei
Edi Ilea
acum 4 ani
Plata facuta cu SMS
10 euro
Ariel Ungureanu
acum 4 ani
Rock on !
400.00 lei
Ivan Gabriel - Cosmin
acum 4 ani
Hajra baszd meeeeg!!!
410.00 lei
Sustinator anonim
acum 4 ani
125.00 lei
Sustinator anonim
acum 4 ani
300.00 lei
Dan P
acum 4 ani
Pentru mirele Riniii de la nashu Pitas sa traiascaaaaa, hepa hepaaaaaa
200.00 lei
Loredana Marchis
acum 4 ani
135.00 lei
Corneliu Sebastian Pop
acum 4 ani
60.00 lei