Saving Misbits

de Ioana Rodica Parlog
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20,450 lei
din 50,000 lei
Hello guys! I don't know how to start this, just that the last 7 years were a dream come true and many hopes for a better future of vinyl in Romania.
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1 proiect
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From the first day I opened the shop, I wanted to make people happy, happy like me when finding a good record, so much enthusiasm! I didn’t think at all for the shop as a profitable business, I just wanted to keep low prices so that customers can afford to support their passion.

After a few years I realised that I had to rethink all, as something wasn’t right...but hey! you cannot put a price on good music, so i went further! I didn’t think about the future, i lived in the moment and I was satistifed because people were satisfied. For me it’s a huge success when i see people happy!!

I need to be honest with you... money sucks, yes! They change people, they change businesses, they change everything... but at the same time.. we cannot live without them. Unfortunately we live in strange times now and I need your help!

You will probably be surprised about me asking for help but I still want to be able to deliver you my selections. I know that until now I haven't shown you my downs, only my ups, but this time it's different.

A friend told me that I don’t need to be alone in this so that’s why I decided starting this campaign.


At the heart of all fine parties and festivals built around electronic music, no matter the size and locations, you’ll find the record selectors. Music lovers who spend countless hours digging through record bins all over the world. With no social gatherings allowed for the past months, this chain is broken down and so is the whole underground culture around it.

As a key part of Romania’s underground electronic scene for the past 7 years, Misbits Record Shop has reopened people’s appettite for records that create amazing dancefloor memories.

The shop plays a very important role in Bucharest, being the first electronic music oriented record store in the city's history.

We helped DJ's grow their record collections, we also helped the party goers to finding that one crazy record their favourite selector plays regularly, we even had people coming to the shop barely knowing anything about electronic music and we ended up making them curious about this style, while also creating new friendships.

For the past few months we operated into survival mode, as business went down more than we expected. With no light at the end of this pandemic tunnel, we are in a position of asking for help. As you, our dear friends and customers, well know, running a record shop implies mostly passion with little to no profit. This year’s crisis made it worse than we could ever imagine... What we want is to keep Misbits Record Shop on a floating line until this whole madness ends one way or another.


For those of you who are willing to help us, we have prepared a donations plan so we can give you something in return.

*** PAYMENTS ARE PROCESSED IN ROMANIAN CURRENCY - please make sure to convert before donating ***

48+ RON (10+ EURO) - special stickers - Proud Supporter of Misbits
73+ RON (15+ EURO) - special Misbits badge + Special stikers 
97+ RON (20+ EURO) - 15% discount off your next purchase from + all of the above
170+ RON (35+ EURO) - A2 Poster with Misbits murals and your name will be written on our wall + all of the above
242+ RON (50+ EURO) - exclussive access to recorded sets of MISS I [2010-present] and a private collection of Misbits Photos + all of the above
363+ RON (75+ EURO) - the first 20 donors who offer 75 euro or more will receive a limited edition Misbits T-Shirt with a hidden cloth for cleaning records + all of the above
484+ RON (100+ EURO) - custom woodboard with your name engraved + all of the above

All the gifts will be sent after the campaign is over. In order for us to get your shipping details, please send us an e-mail at:  with the payment proof + shipping details :)

*** PAYMENTS ARE PROCESSED IN ROMANIAN CURRENCY - please make sure to convert before donating ***

We plan on using the money to cover basic operational costs and to keep the shop on a floating line for the next few months. Part of the money will be used to arrange our yard/terrace to make it more suitable for future events.

Te rog sa te autentifici pentru a putea posta comentariu

postat acum 2 luni
Buna Ioana, cum vor fi folositi cei 10,000 Euro pentru care ai pornit strangerea de fonduri? Multumesc,

postat acum 2 luni
Hei! Fondurile primite vor fi folosite pentru a acoperi costurile operationale ale magazinului pentru urmatoarea perioada [pana la sfarsitul anului]. In perioada pandemiei am fost nevoiti sa venim cu fonduri proprii pentru a salva magazinul din situatia dificila financiara in care am fost pusi, de asemenea vom folosi o parte din bani pentru a putea fi la zi cu taxele administrative ale intreprinderii. O parte din bani vor intra in renovarea terasei din curte + uprages aduse magazinului :)
Andrei Sueran
acum 4 ani
Be strong!
400.00 lei
Sustinator anonim
acum 4 ani
50.00 lei
acum 4 ani
sa fie rotund.
114.00 lei
Sustinator anonim
acum 4 ani
73.00 lei
Victor Chelu
acum 4 ani
170.00 lei
Victor Mihailescu
acum 4 ani
107.00 lei
Marin Emil
acum 4 ani
50.00 lei
Sustinator anonim
acum 4 ani
252.00 lei
Sustinator anonim
acum 4 ani
58.00 lei
Lucia Lopez
acum 4 ani
from Mallorca all the support <3
97.00 lei
Zak White
acum 4 ani
58.00 lei
Thanos Kostorrizos
acum 4 ani
15.00 lei
Carmen Haisan
acum 4 ani
242.00 lei
Iulia Scheusan
acum 4 ani
Sending you love
58.00 lei
Jurmoni Florin Mihai
acum 4 ani
Multa bafta! :)
97.00 lei